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Serving the Plumbing & Heating Community for Over 50 years

Zilmet Buffer Tanks are a seamless solution to integrate any boiler into new or existing systems. Designed around today’s installation needs, ZBT models offer the right capacity in a compact size, with the flexibility to make any job easier. They’re the newest addition to Zilmet’s growing line of hydronic solutions, and another way we’re Always Moving Forward™.   

New Hydronic Buffer Tanks
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So, my husband tells me he’s going to get a water conditioner for our house. I wasn’t too sure if it would really work since our water is extremely hard water with terrible calcium deposits. It would really dry out my skin. So, the ActivFlo Water Conditioner was installed. Wow! My hair is softer, use less product, my skin isn’t dry like it was, definitely less calcium deposits, and use less dish soap. It’s great! 􁟱􁟲

ActivFlo Customer Testimonial

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